Will Throne and Liberty Wipe Your Progress After the Open Beta Ends?

Jul-25-2024 PST

Throne and Liberty is an open world game,This game is highly anticipated for its large-scale raids and dynamic gameplay elements. Set in a vast world with a rich lore, Throne and Liberty promises to offer an immersive experience with various classes, skills, and exploration opportunities.Players can collect various materials, items, and Throne and Liberty Lucent as part of the core mechanics of the game. These materials and items can be used to craft, trade, and upgrade equipment. Gathering resources will be an important part of the gameplay, allowing players to enhance their characters and equipment and promote overall game development.

With the open beta of NCsoft's highly anticipated MMORPG, Throne and Liberty, fast approaching, many players are eager to dive into the game and begin their adventures. However, a common question arises: will Throne and Liberty wipe your progress after the open beta ends? Understanding the policies and practices surrounding open betas can help players set their expectations and plan their gameplay accordingly.

Understanding Open Betas

Open betas are a crucial phase in the development of an MMORPG. They serve several important purposes:

1.Stress Testing: Open betas allow developers to test the game’s servers under heavy loads, ensuring that they can handle large numbers of players simultaneously. This helps identify and resolve any performance issues before the official launch.

2.Bug Identification: With more players exploring the game, open betas are an excellent opportunity to identify and fix bugs that may have been missed during earlier testing phases. Player feedback is invaluable in this process.

3.Gameplay Feedback: Developers use open betas to gather feedback on game mechanics, balance, and overall player experience. This feedback can lead to important adjustments that improve the game.

Given these purposes, it is common for progress made during an open beta to be wiped before the game’s official release. This allows developers to implement changes and fixes without the complications of existing player data.

Throne and Liberty's Open Beta: What to Expect

NCsoft has confirmed that Throne and Liberty will have an open beta period. While specific details about the beta, such as the exact dates and duration, have been eagerly awaited by fans, it is important to understand the general practices regarding progress wipes in open betas.

Likelihood of a Progress Wipe

Historically, most MMORPGs wipe player progress after an open beta. This is done to ensure a fair and balanced start for all players when the game officially launches. It also allows developers to make necessary changes to the game’s systems, which could be disrupted by retaining beta progress.

For Throne and Liberty, it is highly likely that progress will be wiped after the open beta ends. This means that characters, levels, items, and other in-game achievements will be reset, and players will start fresh upon the game's official release.

Why Wipes Are Necessary

Progress wipes, though sometimes disappointing to players who have invested time and effort during the beta, are necessary for several reasons:

1.Balancing the Playing Field: Wiping progress ensures that all players start on an equal footing at launch. This prevents any unfair advantages that beta testers might have gained, promoting a balanced and competitive environment.

2.Implementing Changes: Open beta feedback often leads to significant changes in game mechanics, balance adjustments, and bug fixes. Wiping progress allows developers to implement these changes without the complications of pre-existing data.

3.Server Stability: Fresh starts can help ensure server stability and performance at launch. Retaining beta progress could lead to unforeseen issues, as the game’s infrastructure might need to handle data differently between beta and release versions.

Preparing for the Open Beta

While knowing that progress will likely be wiped can be discouraging, there are several ways to make the most of your time during Throne and Liberty’s open beta:

1.Explore the Game: Use the beta period to explore the game world, familiarize yourself with its mechanics, and discover its lore. This will give you a head start in terms of knowledge when the game officially launches.

2.Experiment with Classes and Builds: The beta is a great opportunity to try out different character classes and builds. This will help you decide which playstyle suits you best for the official release.

3.Provide Feedback: Your feedback is crucial in helping the developers improve the game. Participate in forums, surveys, and other feedback channels to share your experiences and suggestions.

4.Connect with the Community: Use the beta to connect with other players, form guilds, and establish relationships that can carry over into the official game. Building a strong community will enhance your overall gaming experience.


As Throne and Liberty's open beta approaches, it is essential for players to be aware that their progress will likely be wiped before the official release. This common practice ensures a fair and balanced start for all players and allows developers to implement crucial changes and fixes based on beta feedback.

While this may seem disheartening, the open beta offers valuable opportunities to explore the game, experiment with different playstyles, and contribute to the game’s development. By approaching the beta with these goals in mind, players can make the most of their experience and be well-prepared for the exciting journey that awaits in Throne and Liberty’s official launch.

In Throne and Liberty, players can collect various materials, items, and Throne and Liberty Lucent as part of the core mechanics of the game. These materials and items can be used to craft, trade, and upgrade equipment. Gathering resources will be an important part of the gameplay, allowing players to enhance their characters and equipment and promote overall game development.

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